Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Augmentative Communication Integrated Into the IEP

There are more and more students using augmentative communication each day. Here is how this device is integrated into the IEP.  
  • The students use of the system must be integrated within and across the school day, including both instructional and non instructional periods.
  • The IEP team must collaborate to ensure that the plan is aligned to all of the student's instructional program components and expected outcomes
  • The IEP must include clear statements stating the student's communication needs across the environments and an explanation how the features will be sued by the student
Goal Development
  • The augmentative device is a means to accomplishing a goal. It is not a goal in itself. 
  • Consider these three goal areas:
    • communication
    • instruction/academic
    • social interaction
Additional Components to be Added
  • a list of the augmentative communication services to be provided by related service personnel
  • identification of the party responsible for device maintenance and operations


Dell, A., Newton, D. and Petroff, J. (2012). Assistive technology in the classroom. Boston: Pearson.

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