Sunday, September 8, 2013

Purpose of This Blog

Hi! Welcome to my blog! If you would like to know more about Assisted Technology in the classroom, this blog is for you. I have started my first class toward my Masters of Education and Special Education Certification and you get to follow me through it. 

For the next few blogs we will talk about Universal Design for Learning. This is the first time I am hearing about this term. We did not address it in my Undergraduate courses from 2008-2011. According to"UDL is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn." ("About udl:what is," 2013)

There are three basic principles. 
1) Provide multiple means of representation ( ) ("About udl:what is," 2013)
2) Provide multiple means of action and expression ( ) ("About udl:what is," 2013)
3) Provide multiple means of engagement ( ) ("About udl:what is," 2013)

More on this topic will be addressed soon. Below is a video that might help you to understand UDL at a greater level.

                                                                                                   (Saronin1, 2009)

Thanks for reading!


(About udl:what is universal design for learning.) (2013, 7 16). Retrieved from 

Saronin1. (Director) (2009). Aerosol & udl [Web series episode]. In YouTube. Retrieved from


  1. Bridgette, I agree, Universal Design for Learning is a new term for a lot of us. However, it is something that is essential in our classrooms today due to the diverse learners we are being exposed to. One thing that I like about UDL is it gives all students equal opportunities to learn. When I first met my kindergarten class last I week I couldn't believe the range of different abilities and backgrounds that were all in one class. Thanks to UDL I now know how to design my lessons to reach all of them. The three principles you posted are the key ingredients in creating a successful UDL lesson plan.

  2. It's crazy to me that UDL or any diverse teaching is now starting to come around. It has always been there! I guess it's better late than never. It's great that you are reaching your Kindergarten class at an early level.
