Monday, November 4, 2013

Choice Cards

Like I previously stated, students with autism have trouble with expressive communication. I introduced break cards in the previous post and now I will talk about choice cards

Choice cards allow non-verbal students to express their wants and needs. It is also a visual representation system that gives the student some sort of independence in choosing an item or task. There are several sets of predetermined cards with either clip art, real life pictures or drawings on them. It is said that the students are less likely to act out when given the choice cards to use. 
(, 2013)

Below are two examples:

Here is a great link to print out some layouts for different behavior supports. They are free to download. They also have other different printables for you to use!

References: (2013). Assistive Technology for Children with Autism. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 4 Nov 2013].

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thanks so much for the file folder heaven site! It's awesome! Free file folder games and the adorable posters for the classrooms for reminders! I'm so glad I clicked on your blog to see this. What a great resource!
