Wednesday, October 23, 2013

iPad Perspectives (Teachers, Parents, and Students)

There are many opposing views to having iPads in schools. Today we will visit three different perspectives, parents, teachers, and students. 


I have read several different parent comments on having these devices in their own child's school. Most of them are trying to get the iPad banned from schools. They think that the students should stick to books. They do not trust their children with the costly iPads. Parent Lynn Roth says "The district invested millions of dollars into purchasing these iPads which she says contribute to behavioral problems, irregular sleep, and obesity."  Every parent that has visited the schools and saw the iPad in action had a chance of heart. Look at this parent's comments. 

nascarchickk said: Wednesday, September 14, 2011
My child is a student at Muller Rd Middle, and this whole I-Pad thing is a nightmare! Muller Rd is not using TEXTBOOKS at all! The books are not loaded onto the i-pads, contrary to popular belief. There is no use of books at all, the kids are to surf the internet. There is also little or no homework. I am very concerned, and I am looking for moms to ralley with me and complain to the school board so we can get this all thrown out! If you would like to help me go against the school board please message me.
nascarchickk replied: Thursday, September 22, 2011
I went to the school and met with Mrs. Morrerro. Let me tell you I am really impressed! I have completly changed my mind, I would reccomend to anyone that has concerns to go meet with the principal, and do a walk around the school and see the kids in the class rooms. I was totally against this and I have really changed my mind, and think this is a great opportunity for our kids. Thank you

(WACH FOX, 2013)


"I’m a teacher in a special school and all of my students have 1:1 technology. Some have iPads, some have note books, some have ipod touches and others have pcs. The iPads are in use for non verbal children or those with severe physical disabilities. We are able to attach them to wheelchairs and tables and have key guards for those with shakey hands. We have also been able to purchase thick rubber surrounds for children who throw them. Of all the tech we have the ipad is the most versatile. There are also many apps available for children with learning difficulties and non verbal children." Cherrylkd (, 2013)

As you can see, many teachers have found the good in iPads. I watched a video that stated that one of her students gained a great load of self esteem when she used an iPad instead of the Communication boards we talked about earlier. The communication board was too chunky and embarrassed her in front of her classmates. Now she has an iPad and her peers now think that it is really neat and always want to be around her. 


Students are saying that using the iPAD was not easy at first but the training sessions helped. They like that the iPads save paper for the environment. It also was a lot easier to keep track of all of your work. There are no papers to lose. Students with disabilities like that they can easily communicate with their peers without a huge piece of equipment. 
(YouTube, 2013)

References (2013). iPad Mini - A Teacher's Perspective. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 23 Oct 2013].

WACH FOX (2013). Parents concerned about iPad use in schools. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 23 Oct 2013].

YouTube (2013). Students talk about using iPads in Middle School. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 23 Oct 2013].

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