Saturday, October 19, 2013

Talking Word Processors

Talking Word Processors

A talking word processor is an assistive technology device that speaks what is typed into the computer. The student may choose to hear each letter, word, sentence, and/or paragraph as it is typed. 

Some talking word processors used in a classroom are: 

                                                                                             (, 2013)

Tutorial Review (Premier Literacy)

  • The program looks like a regular word processing program like Microsoft Word. It has larger buttons so the student can easily click on the options. 
  • When you save the program in the talking word processor program, you can save it as a Microsoft Word document or a html file. 
  • On top of the program saying what you are typing, it also predicts what you are going to type next like the last device we went over.  The box holds up to 18 words (9 on each page when you press the down arrow) 
  • One issue I have noticed is that it speaks so fast that you can barely make out some of the words. This happens a lot when it says short words.


References: (2013). Georgia Department of Education. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 20 Oct 2013].

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