Sunday, October 20, 2013

Voice Output Communication Device

Voice output communication devices are used by students who are unable to speak or can not communicate. This device is mainly to allow the student to communicate. Text based and symbol based devices are available. They store frequently used words or phrases in the memory. The phrases are made by pressing two or three buttons. (, 2013)

DynaVox Maestro is a blue tooth small portable device that also includes a built in camera. You can take pictures of real life objects to add them to the buttons. This unit has a touch screen.

(YouTube, 2013)
The DynaVox Eyemax has an eye tracker built in. The student looks at the symbols/phrases and it will select it. This unit has a touch screen also. The student can access the Internet, remote and telephone on this unit. 

References (2013). Gateway - AT Classifications - Communication Impairment - Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs). [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 23 Oct 2013].

YouTube (2013). DynaVox. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 23 Oct 2013].

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